Critical and contextual studies are the study and evaluation of artArt refers to a diverse range of human intellectual and expressive activities and the outcomes of those activities. Within this context art is further defined..., craftCraft can be designed as intelligent making. It is technically, materially and culturally informed. Craft is the designing and hand making of individual objects and... and designDesign shapes ideas to become practical solutions and propositions for customers and users. Design is all around us, everything man made has been designed. The... from different perspectives.
This includes the cultural, social and historical contexts in which artworks are both created and exhibited.
This aspect of the curriculumIn education, a curriculum (or curricula) is broadly defined as the totality of student experiences that occur in the educational process. The term often refers specifically to a planned... develops students’ capacity to think criticallyArt criticism, is the analysis and evaluation of works of art. More subtly, art criticism is often tied to theory; it is interpretive, involving the effort... about the works that they come into contact with. They learn to reflect on their creativeBeing creative or 'creativity' relates to or involves the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something. work in the context of their own times and the work of contemporary artistsPeople who are engaged in a broad spectrum of visually led ideas and activities aligned to the expressive arts, makers and designersPeople who are engaged in the production of functional products, services and systems. In reflecting on the work of others, students should take into account relevant spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.
Art educators need to make choices about which artists, makers designers; movements, cultures and creative students study.
These choices should reflect the curriculum being followed, the student’s prior knowledgeFacts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. and the planned learning outcomesLearning outcomes are descriptions of the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that the learner will get from a learning activity, such as a training session, seminar,....
Theoretical knowledgeTheoretical knowledge is the cultural and contextual content that pupils learn about artists and artwork. ‘about’ art, craft and design will put students’ practical knowledgePractical knowledge may be defined tentatively as the form of knowledge involved in exercising a skill. It is the 'knowing how'. and their own makingThe process of making or producing something. The making of meaning is a decisively integral component of art-making. Meaning-making in relation to the creation of... into context.
In constructing a curriculum art educators need to reflect upon the breadth, depth and range of artists, craft persons and designers they introduce and invite students to study.
They will seek to ensure that in ‘learning about art’, students learn to express their own ideas and concerns with confidence and clarity.
Critical and contextual studies include: