Critical & Contextual Studies 

Critical and contextual studies are the study and evaluation of art, craft and design from different perspectives.

This includes the cultural, social and historical contexts in which artworks are both created and exhibited.

This aspect of the curriculum develops students’ capacity to think critically about the works that they come into contact with. They learn to reflect on their creative work in the context of their own times and the work of contemporary artists, makers and designers. In reflecting on the work of others, students should take into account relevant spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.

Art educators need to make choices about which artists, makers designers; movements, cultures and creative students study.

These choices should reflect the curriculum being followed, the student’s prior knowledge and the planned learning outcomes.

Theoretical knowledge ‘about’ art, craft and design will put students’ practical knowledge and their own making into context.

In constructing a curriculum art educators need to reflect upon the breadth, depth and range of artists, craft persons and designers they introduce and invite students to study.

They will seek to ensure that in ‘learning about art’, students learn to express their own ideas and concerns with confidence and clarity.

Critical and contextual studies include:

  • Critique
  • Looking at Pictures and Objects
  • History of Art, Craft and Design
  • Exploring Aesthetics (Principles of Beauty and Taste) 

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