Student Experience & Teacher Planning

An art, craft and design curriculum would ideally be formed from broad experiential opportunities providing access and opportunities to varied media, processes and techniques.

Such a curriculum should ensure rigorous cognitive challenges, informing ideas, discourse, and practical and creative challenges while demonstrating engagement with and respect for diverse cultures. 

A lively, flexible and wide-ranging art and design curriculum is essential if it is to engage and motivate. Students will benefit most from variety, choice, interesting contexts and challenges within their learning.

The art and design department, classrooms and studios should be a place where all pupils and students want to be. These learning spaces should be inspiring, surprising and rich with knowledge and creative possibilities.

Learners need to be guided, taught, inspired and challenged to improve their knowledge, skills and understanding. To do this effectively, art educators will seek to develop knowledge and skills to emphasise the development of creative behaviours and establish creative habits

These creative behaviours and habits are set out in the Creative Habits of Mind model developed originally by Claxton, Lucas and Spencer. The model includes the development of:

  • Imaginative Learners
  • Disciplined Learners
  • Collaborative Learners
  • Inquisitive Learners
  • Persistent Learners

See Links to Big Landscape Learning Theory and Behavioural models

Teacher Plan, Prepare & Deliver  

Developing learning habits & behaviours to promote creativity 

A curriculum formed from broad experiential opportunities in varied media, processes and techniques, alongside rigorous cognitive challenges, to inform ideas, discourse, practical and creative challenges, with respect for other cultures. 

Using Projects, Briefs and Assignments: 

  • Organise the learning experience through tasks & contextual information. 
  • To determine the Knowledge & skills to be acquired/developed/gained. 
  • Using assessment to improve outcomes, understanding & improve progress
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