Creativity is a characteristic of someone or some processA series of actions, changes or operations performed in the making or creating of a product or outcomes. The procedures that one goes through in... that forms something new and valuable. The created item may be intangible or a physical object. Scholarly interest in creativity is found in a number of disciplines, primarily psychology, business studies, and cognitive science.
Creativity is a tendency to generate, make or recognise ideas, propositions and possibilities that bring into existence something new, innovative or different. Imaginative activity fashioned so as to produce outcomes that are both original and of value.
Creativity is the ability to create items that inspire and inform others, often in aesthetically pleasing ways.
Creativity is thinking outside of society's norm. It is being able to express oneself in different varieties of arts - paintingPainting is the practice of applying paint or other media to a surface, usually with a brush. An art object made using paint (noun)., poetry, sculptureSculpture is three-dimensional art made by one of four basic processes: carving, modelling, casting, constructing. The term installation art is used to describe large-scale, mixed-media..., style, fashion, etc.